Site Index of City of Canton

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This is a hierarchical listing of the pages in this site, sub pages are listed under the page they belong to.

Canton History
Canton Memorial Civic Center
Centennial Plaza Project
City Council
Canton City Council Mtg. Agendas
Canton City Council Mtg. Minutes
Council Mtg. Audio
Council Meeting Schedule
Council Meeting Dates
Find Your Ward
Ward Administration
Member Directory
Brenda Kimbrough
Chris Smith
Clerk of Council Office
Committee List
Committees - Admin
Committee Members - Admin
Crystal Smith
Frank Morris
Greg Hawk
James Babcock
Jason Scaglione
John Mariol II
Jonathan N. Cooks
Kristen Bates-Aylward
Louis P. Giavasis
Richard Sacco
Robert Fisher
Online Photo Tour
City Statistics
Coming Soon
Contact Page
Contact Us
Department List
Employee List
LN Postback Page
View Payment
Events Calendar
Category Maintenance
Event Detail
Frequently Asked Questions
GDPR test
Ice Rink Status
Misc Billing
City Test
Find Request
View Checkout
View Fire Checkout
View LN
View LN Return
View Special Hauling Application
View Special Hauling Forms
View Verify
Open Burn
Open Burn Inquiry
Open Burn Record History
Open Burn Request
Privacy Policy
Residents - Neighborhoods
Residents - Social Services
Reverse 911 Sign Up
Site Alerts
Social Links
Test Alerts
Video Tour of Canton
Your IP Address

NOTE: We currently only list up to 5 levels deep, this is usually enough to get you to the information you are looking for.

NOTE: Links to downloadable files (such as PDF's and DOC's) and external domains (ex. are not listed on this page.

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